Abbie's Army is grateful for the advice and assistance from a number of individuals in the research community.
Our own small panel is comprised of leading experts spanning the globe in children's DIPG brain cancer research and/or administering technologies to develop new treatment strategies. Following principles of review for any grant awarded you can be assured of full impartiality from reviewers with complete independence from the charity Trustees .
Advisories will not be current beneficiaries when selected to review grant applications, there will be a balance of disciplines and experience depending on the nature and monetary value of the grant.
After external expert review, they will make recommendations to ensure that Abbie's Army is fulfilling its remit to fund the most promising DIPG research projects, with its limited resource. The ultimate funding decision based on these recommendations remains with the Trustees.
Any research grants funded previously via the 'DIPG Collaborative' were passed through their own stringent 'peer review' process and ranked by the Medical Advisory Council (MAC)
Our advisors include: