Professor Chris Jones - The Institute of Cancer Research - Sutton

Prof Jones heads the glioma team whose research aims to find the genes which drive the development of childhood brain tumours.

He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists and is Biology Lead for the International Society for Paediatric Oncology European High Grade Glioma Working Group. 

Dr James T. Rutka, OC, O Ont, MD, PhD, FRCSC, FRSC, FACS, FAANS

RS McLaughlin Professor and Chair Department of Surgery, University of Toronto

Clinical Address:

Division of Neurosurgery ,The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.

Dr Rutka is also Co-director & Principal Investigator of The Arthur and Sonia Labatt Brain Tumour Research Centre.

Editor-in-Chief | Journal of Neurosurgery 

Dr Helen Fillmore - University of Portsmouth. Reader in Molecular Neuropathology and Neuro-oncology. 

Principal Research Fellow based in the Cellular and Molecular Neuro-oncology laboratories

Over 20 years of experience in brain cancer research and an established track record in signal transduction, genomic and proteomic analyses, glioma invasion and identification of potential therapeutic targets

More than 55 peer reviewed publications, 8 US Patents, 14 invention disclosures and over 10 technical reports, reviewed for over 20 Journals and many grant funding agencies both in the UK, US and the EU. Prior to moving to the UK, Helen supervised and mentored over 10 graduate students (PhD, MD/PhD and PharmD) and served on over 20 PhD, MD/PhD student supervisory committees, with most advancing to successful careers in the medical field. She has also mentored over 20 masters, medical, undergraduate and high school students and continues mentoring students in the UK.

Michelle Monje - Professor of Neurology, and by courtesy, Neurosurgery, Pathology and Pediatrics, Stanford University, CA United States

Much of brain development occurs after birth. Maturation of complex neural circuitry necessary for high-level cognitive and motor functions occurs throughout childhood and young adulthood. Central to the process of developing or strengthening these functional neural circuits is the generation of new glial cells for neuronal support, synapse formation and myelination.

The Monje Lab studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms of postnatal neurodevelopment. This includes microenvironmental influences on neural precursor cell fate choice in normal neurodevelopment and in disease states. As a practicing neurologist and neuro-oncologist, Dr Monje is particularly interested in the roles for neural precursor cell function and dysfunction in the origins of pediatric brain tumors and the consequences of cancer treatment. 

Prof Simon Bailey - Professor of Paediatric Neuro-Oncology and Consultant Paediatric Oncologist 

Sir James Spence Institute of Child Health Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road ,Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Prof Bailey is also the UK contact for the European DIPG Registry.

Dr Darren Hargrave - Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London. UK

Co-Chair of the London Cancer Children and Young Person's Specialist Board

Consultant Paediatric Oncologist

Neuro-oncology & Experimental Therapeutics